sncc said no to that. sncc said, we are going to confront racism where it is, we are not going to negotiate with anybody. we're going to fight until we win this particular campaign. thirdly, sncc saw its role, or the sncc leadership saw their role as assisting local leaders rather than dominating a local campaign. again, a contrast for martin luther king. with marlin martin luther king, leaders would can him to come in, he and sncc will fly in, and they will take over the movement. they will make all of the decisions. the sncc people were just the opposite. they were very, very quiet. they didn't put themselves in front of the tv cameras. they said that our job is to help local leadership develop and to help local heleadership achieve its goals. i'm going to give you one example of this. and it's actually -- it's a local example. tent city in fayette county, tennessee. you know, i told you i grew up in brownsville. fayette county, tennessee is the next county over. both haywood county and fayette county ex