snegyrev was temporarily attached to the rubizhan city court.f the president, he was seconded for six months to the novozavodsk court of the city of chernihiv, however snegyrev did not comply with the president's decree, as the judge worked for the next three years is unknown, and in july 2020 he left for russia, where he received citizenship after acquiring the citizenship of another country, snegyryov automatically lost the powers of ukrainian judges, however, he did not inform ukraine about this. as a result, the state judicial administration in the luhansk region paid snegyryov 's salary for more than two years until september 2022. in general, he illegally received almost uah 2 million for this. vitaliy snegyryov faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. it is known that vitaliy shnyryov showed affection for russia long before he fled ukraine, in particular, in his position as a judge, he repeatedly made decisions in russian, contrary to the law, and also owned real estate in the temporarily occupied territory and probab