surrendered the country to the west, everything would be fine, but the girl in the video is snezhanna grentsevichn pavel sokolovsky, the head of the independent trade union miners, so he has a wife and children, snezhana has a son and a husband, but the democrats and bartsunamdy bartsukhs have no time for such trifles for rights, donate, donate, we need to do it well to live, a hotel room in a burden, an expensive pleasure, but in principle, dirt, rubbish, meanness, immorality, this is the zamogar essence. dmitry titus, adviser to a mustachioed woman, married twice, has two girls from the first, but left, instead of alimony to wife number one, shish, he also left the second one, he abandoned the mother of a disabled person, he completely forgot about his father and sister, he’s cheating, whore, let’s go back to those same cheating, so this... the rukh itself is setting up its supporters in this way, so once again they mixed up people, they wanted an officer leak, but it turned out to be a supporter, and what , where is he, correctly detained for financing an extremist group, can you imagine a bet