to simplify drastically, one can practically hear in the background complaints of the nonviolent snick, even dr. martin luther king about the slowness of martin luther king and moderates. when i arrived at princeton and years working together he was working on his books. he was working toward what jim referred to, jim oakes referred to as the broader understanding of the politics of the war. part of that understanding involved a new appreciation of how fully military history, which figures much less strikingly in jim's earlier works than it has in the later ones, how thoroughly military history enmeasured including abolitionists. but it also involved an enhanced appreciation of lincoln's enormous political skills deep ma hatred of slavery. they did did not pull them his way, he did not compromise bedrock principles, manipulated abolitionists, held the union together so slavery could be abolished. two quick points i want to make about this all this. some repeats what jim had to say. there was a way in which the study of the abolitionist, the retrieval of their reputation was too embedde