i think any city that gets called the snobbiest city in the country, which we he just were by travel and leisure, a city that get tarred by the same brush that silicon valley is. with google, all the things going on, we really need to talk about not just what city college offers, but what it means as an institution of diversity, of accessibility, of welcome in a city at a time when the counter narrative is that we're closing down, we're not accessible, and we're not interested in anybody who is not rich. so, please, please, i hope that we can all work together and take this very seriously. thank you. >> thank you. (applause) >> are there any other members of the public who would like to comment? if so, please come forward. and seeing no one else come forward, we can close public comment. >> all right. public comment is closed. [gavel] >> well, thank you, everyone, for being here and for providing your input and your stamina as well for this hearing. it's been about three hours, i think, maybe more. this has been a learning process for me. i've spent the past year looking at how come t