and for several years i have spent time listening to colleagues going to the offices of about 85 snorks at least that -- of about 85 senators, at least that many in the house, and also listening to thousands in the public and private sector about their ideas for fixing american health care. my aim has been to try to help find common ground and to chart a path so that this congress and this president can go somewhere that the country has never gone before, and that is to real health care reform. today i come to the floor to lay out the specifics of what real health care reform is all about. the president said yesterday there has never been a better opportunity to get the job done. specifically, to exriewf the lives of all americans -- to improve the lives of all americans, and to guarantee affordable, quality coverage to all people. the question now is will democrats and republicans here in the senate rise to this challenge? will this congress and the president overcome the fear tactics that have derailed past efforts? and equally important, will this congress and our president dare to p