sims: snpa is one of our main key partners not only because they are the organization responsible currently for managing and enforcing marine protected areas, but they also have several monitoring programs which arintegral in providing data to us. when it comes to future protected areas, ty will bthe key people for us to discuss with how well would we manage these areas and what is the best approach. antat: it's very important that we constantly have this good, healthy coral cover and... i want everything that i do shld make a difference and it should have an impact. i think it's a really wonderful feeling owing th whateve infoation yobring ba, it's going to contribute to the way we do conservation and tt's going to have a positive impact on marine conservation in seychelles. narrator: the world produces more than 300 million tons of plastic every year. man: almost every piece of plastic ever made is still on the planet in some form or another. it's coating our lands and our oceans like a disease. woman: absolutely no doubt this bird died as a result of that plastic. second man: we really h