like to for the rico 20 act and of course the attorneys general for clean power , led by mister snyderman of new york. this is an attempt now to silence and chill speech through the threat of litigation and prosecution so that's a big thing but one thing, i mean i appreciate this idea of government funding team b or red teams who would look at alternative hypothesis but maybe that's what can be done but ultimately the ideal as far as i'm concerned would be to separate science from state. as much as possible. why is it that we don't have these sorts of controversies in the religious realm? it's because religion is privately funded in the united states. eisenhower in his farewell speech warned of this very problem that we are seeing and a lot of people just remember this as his warning about a military-industrial complex but he also warned about the quote, " steadily increasing share of scientific research that is funded by or at the direction of the federal government and he ." he said that whereas historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery was the free university