billion less under this bipartisan bill than we proposed two years earlier which was so draconian, so unserious. we're proposing the federal government increases the spending over ten years by 3.5% instead of 5.2% and by the way, if we reform government, put the patient in the center of health care, give states the ability to customize and tailor their benefits to populations like food stamps and medicaid, and have pro-growth policies that put people back to work, clean up the tax system, have this energy renaissance fully developed, then we will get people back to work. then we'll increase take home pay. get the deficit down and as a result according to cbo have more prosperity and faster economic growth. it's true. you kapt cut your way to a balanced budget. you have to grow your way by growing your economy. and government as it is currently designed needs to be reformed. if we stay on this path we are guaranteeing the next generation has a bankrupt medicare program, bankrupt social security program, bankrupt medicaid program. bankrupt country. by 2024 according to cbo, three programs, medica