this is not unique to soama. soma. it's unsafe for people to walk and bike for people on transit. there has been industrial zoning in this neighborhood for decades. the plan is to fix all those aspects. the plan has eight goals which try to convey how we keep what is great and fix what is not. one, accommodate jobs and housing, two, maintain the diversity of residents and have a lively job center. and facilitate walking, biking an transit. offer parks and regulation. have a resilient neighborhood. celebrate the cultural heritage. ensure that new buildings enhance the neighborhood and city. each of the goals is a chapter if the plan. each chapter has all the objectives and policies and implementation measures necessary to fulfill the goal. we have eight chapters and hundreds of policies, basically the plan is boiled down to three, accommodate growth, enhance the neighborhood. i'm going to wuk through each in the presentation. these are zoning and height maps into one digestible concept. on the left you have existing. on the right, potential. you have large areas in white that are i