variables, we cannot accurately predict this variable until the end of the year , but we hope that if sobazah'sicies continue at the macro level, the rate will follow a stable trend. god willing, we will not have an inflation jump. in the last 6 months, from april to september, in which areas , in which areas, in which goods, yes, in fact, what has the main weight in inflation, part of it goes back to food , which is also in food during the month. recently , especially, for example, if we consider meat, red meat and white meat in the last 12 months, then more weight the rest of the crops also grew, vegetables also grew, beans and rice also grew, but in the edibles, there was more meat, which had more weight, in the non-food sector, well , the housing rental rate had a significant weight. it is very high in household expenses , for example in tehran. if i'm not mistaken, about 40% of people's budget consists of housing rent, and the increase in prices compared to other goods is more than some of the goods, which causes it to have a greater weight in a larger share in the total inflation and the