he said for a war sochk, this is too simple and sweet.ing to sound like a bad movie, but it's a true story. the boss's secretary comes in the next morning and she sees some crumpled up music paper with notes in the wastebasket. and she's curious. she knows who was there when she left the day before. so she pullings it out. she can play piano. that's nice. so she takes it into the boss and plays it for him. she says that's wonderful. we're going to publish it, but don't tell the boys. we'll surprise them. then he said, oh, yes, what's the title. she looked at the piece of paper and said they're calling it auf wiedersehn. she said what does that mean? and she said till we meet again. would you believe they won the contest? the most popular love ballot of the war. there are lots of sochks until we get into the love song, that we don't everyone know. just keep going. there's a passings reference. so it still qualifies as a love song. there were lots of stuttering songs. during prohibition, irving wrote a song called i'll see you in c-you have