we also have geoff andrews, he is the chief operating officer of social intelligence corps. has a background in technology and data with several companies, including steelcard, which ultimately got bought by choice point, and before that price waterhouse coopers. finally, we have renee jackson, an associate with peabody in san francisco, approaching the same topic from the employment law context with the specific expertise again at the intersection of social media, technology, and the law. without further ado i will pass it to patricia. i see my role here today as not only facilitating conversation, but kind of framing the issue. this is a big issue with a lot of sub-issues going on. for the next 10 minutes or so i will present the argument, the issues, the salient points from the employer side and employees side to them kind of create a background for a case study that will be presented by my coat panelists. let's first note that this panel is narrowly focused on the process for hiring or the dial of employment. so, we are covering everything from employer access to employe