pronounce soda "soder. and most of all, don't go to dirk's house to listen to his band's new demo.just? >> this has been "couldn't you just?" ♪ >> jimmy: well, if trump is looking to discredit one of his top medical experts, he must be getting his coronavirus information from a source that's even more esteemed. >> instead of dr. fauci, the president today turning to game show host and conspiracy theorist chuck woolery [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's interesting but before i make any decisions i want to hear what wink martindale has to say [ light laughter ] chuck woolery. for those that don't know him, he's a crazy ex-tv host with a a bunch of ex-wives who loves conspiracy theories. and now he's re-tweeting chuck woolery. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] it's not good. it's not good. we're getting medical advice from the former host of "the apprentice" whose getting it from the former host of "love connection." well, just when we thought trump's response to the virus couldn't get any worse, this weekend, he took his education secretary betsy devos out of packing peanuts to defend the admini