sofey heyward, planning staff. the request before you is a request for discretionary review for the demolition of the two-story, two-family dwelling and the construction of a new three-story garage located at 309, 311 eureka street. i'll put an imagine up of the existing structure. the lot is zoned rh 2 and it sloped down from the north to the sourt. the existing structure showed on the screen, whenever it comes up, is a -- provides two -- two bedroom units on two stories with a -- with approximately 2,425 square feet of living space. as proposed the new building will provide two dwelling units. so this is the proposal of the demolition of a two-dwelling unit. and the construction of a new two-dwelling unit. there will be one three bedroom unit with a total of 3,045 of living space. the new structure will provide two off-street parking spaces from the single garage. there is a mandatory discretionary review. an addition three requests of d.r.'s were filed. one of those requests were withdrawn after revisions to the