at least that's what sofia sotnikova thinks, please. this is when you think about something , and you have some good thoughts in your head. and you thought a lot and wanted to write it down on a piece of paper with a pen. and it will look like capital letters. this is how children express their thoughts. i hope you understood everything, of course, very good. and now we will get to know these wonderful people, who someone came to win, someone came just to have a good time. let's get acquainted. first team. natalia gasanova is a journalist. as a child, she dreamed of becoming a professional basketball player. as a child, i wanted to be a trainer. your rivals margarita opazon singer songwriter in childhood wanted to become a pharmacist and about tt of course, margarita molodets she sold to her household already bought pills that they had at home, lysva smezhkov was a lawyer in childhood. wanted to be a singer and performed wherever there was such an opportunity, as well as his sister margarita, who, as we understand, also loves to sing. a