mi mi miss sohn, can you tell us about the telecommunications marketplace? so it will have negative effects both for competition and consumers, and one is that because there are these side agreements, and there was a spectrum sale and affiliated side agreements. one is a marketing agreement and one is a reselling agreement and basically it is an agreement between the cable companies to lay down arps and no longer compete in the video and wireless marketplace and verizon and at&t will get the wireless and it will get the wire line industry to themeses and there's the joe operating entity and that's an agreement between the five cable companies and verizon to develop patents and technologies that would help to stream a video from wireless to wire line systems and that has an enormous capability to be used against, for example, mr. earning rgen's company. if he wants to use the technology he probably wants to be charged high licensing fees and he needs to be told, sorry, you're not part of the club and not part of the cartel, you can't use this technology. >> a