finally, we hope that their criteria include soifring the goal of civic pride for whatever is produced. commercial or industrial clients generally have as their bottom line, their bottom line. almost everything about the project is tested against the question, will this hurt or help the profitability of my business? private residential clients are, in many ways, quite different from the other two classes. first of all, they have an immediate and on-going personal interest in the outcome of the project. you might say they are going to wear their house as you would wear a suit of clothes and it means just as much to them. so while they are always concerned with the practical aspects of a project, how many steps between the refrigerator and the sink, i think finally they are as concerned or more concerned with the symbolic aspects of the project. what is this building or remodel do as possible that sends a picture of me out into the world. generally, they are looking for a measure of delight from the experience of using the finished building and maybe even from the process of cooking it u