others who maintained that slave was was unjust before slavery was unjust nal us itiodth rof tthevat soirumwawa that the constitution should be interpreted in light of the deck la rice of undependence -- declaration of independence. as abhamncai the clios th app o , th citn e e olv nd. d tppdan o , er old proverb. so in the proverbs there's picture of an apple ofold in this frame of silver. tham erhnstions riotol o git eofce arntate ve to understand the constitution in light of the declaration of independence. so you had various arguments on all different sides about the nstituti, is itrovery tiveanpecica dienauin tionethfi mpsehaou ses eethfa person for the purposes of representation. you have provisions about the slave trade, about fugitive slaves a different tngs in the constitutn. meplenteretedho ovisns a aipg w sryld ngxin un thrdla"ot pen cotu, r t slaves as person. and that was evidence that the founders intended this document to exist long after slavery had gone away. ininco's wdse un mola o owime nc rslo a i way that would offer perverse incentiv to maintain slaves, thoings like the th