of st. petersburg, nikita, was not just carried away ancient folklore, he learned the izhorian language, mastered ancient crafts, and then completely, leaving the city, he went to live on the sokinsky peninsula of the gulf of finland of krakolye, the place of historical settlement of izhors, a point appeared in the sea on the beskam, where a swallow leaked a nest, laid gold eggs, then a strong wind. here is such a one, as we have now today, the eggs fell, broke, and then the sun appeared from the yolk from the squirrel for a month, and from the fragments of the star , no was created in this way. izhora have never been a big people in their best years. them there were no more than 30,000 people, living on scarce rocky lands along the shores of the gulf of finland and zhora completely dependent on the sea. here the interests of their powerful neighbors clashed around 1240. izhora land is part of the novgorod state and since then the izhora , together with the russians, have been fighting for this territory. moreover, if someone attacked their land, and this land was attractive to many through the gulf of finland. we have hair dryers here across the narva river, we have estonians who have always wanted to get somethi