i called solihull. >> thank you.any other members of the public there was to comment on items six yuan seeing none, public comment is closed. speakos visit also rode over to the controllers will click the cost estimate on this proposal >> i get natasha-controllers of the additional cost to government will be approximately $2.4 million per year the additional 3/100 of the city's budget could it would also take in the office of labor standards and enforcement as was the office of citizens complaint and the whistleblower program which would total proximally $15.2 million annually for the budget. for this department. >> thank you very much. supervisor mar >> my understanding supervisor campos will be listening to lots of comments and introducing the revised version or ask what the process is and t then i would commit a few comments. >> sure. if i may, i think that that amount of the total budget could potentially be substantially different and i want to note that the $50 million includes about $12.5 million that's alread