he wrote the book after a three-year stint at soloman brothers.ear he published "flash boys" who helped us all understand what wall street is up to these days. i asked him to come in and give us his own update. you were still part of a wall street where the stuff that was happening, the action was human relationships and people and now it's computer. >> moving that way. markets becoming automated, light speed. people program the machine. so it's the person running logic, creating rules for how this thing is going to trade. yes, wall street in "liar's poker" is still wall street shouting in telephones at people. it's getting complicated but still comprehensible. that's one thing, how much harder it's gotton explain. it was a bit of a struggle to explain what a mortgage bond was, that was a new thing. but collateralized debt obligation or high frequency trading program is so much harder. >> there seems to me there's two sort of different trends here. on the one hand technology is disintermediatiating people in the middle that collect fees wall stree