you are being called today to really be solomonesque. this is difficult. it is difficult for us to come to you with this solution. you are called to really balance the property owners' right against the deficit -- deficit -- definite need of a community. commissioner antonini said "we really want to know we are listening to people who represent the community." the russian hill neighbors and community association both filed dr's saying the existing uses needed. there is no need for adaptive reuse. we called your attention that the community has concerns about this project. we ask you to exercise the broad discretion that is given to you. if you are not going to retain the facility, direct the project sponsor to really investigate and look at the two pklulus -- two plus two solution we have given to you. president olague: thank you. >> good afternoon, commission. my name is scott and i'm resident of russell street, across from the 1945 garage. i am here as an independent planner. i have been planning for 25 years. i would like to amplify a couple of the poin