when leaving solovki island, boarding a ship or plane, we must not forget about all the experiences weexperienced here. we must preserve this spiritual experience, and not, as we sometimes feel nostalgic for a beautiful place, remember that state of mind, those thoughts that visited us in this holy place during the service. the more in life we turn to the high, sublime, holy, emanating from god, the easier it will be for us to live, we will help ourselves to preserve calmness and strength of spirit, stop judging people, stop being angry at people for circumstances, stop deceiving relatives, friends and strangers, and try to live simply, purely and clearly, let your words be: yes, yes, no, no, and what more from teaches the evil one? us lord. the church of god does not offer any political concepts. she is eliminated. from those spheres of social activity in which passions, competition, struggle, including the struggle for power, are in full swing, we know that today the elements of the world are trying to break into the church fence, you all, of course, are well aware of what is happe