solsolendra is in default. 2% default rate. i don't know of other investment portfolios that have this kind of success rate. it's very easy to find the one, two, three projects that have defaulted. it's a 2% default rate. we have $40 billion left to go in authorities. we are planning to, assuming we find and have a great pipeline of interesting projects, we intend to deploy that. >> we have to wrap up in a moment or steve is going to hit a gong backstage. is there anything you can get done, any target of opportunity for you, if you're dealing with the chairman, lisa on the senate energy committee next year as opposed to mary landrieu? >> first of all, when it comes to the climate action plan which is our main guide for what we're doing in the energy space, supplemented by energy security concerns and obviously driving the economy through new manufacturing programs, et cetera, we are exercising all of those programs through existing executive authority. we will continue to do that. >> so you don't want to deal with senator merko