(solurmurs) sol:the rules, folw thbrightt light." th's a gooote fromfreye paho use.kl ) sol: you know, i think youind sou like chbacca no (lauing, cheacca aud playinon pho )(freye laugh in (chewbca soundcontin ) (lau ing) (a laughin (tthbrush ing) so it's inresting, because you can tually feel the... i can el theifferencin yo not a bad way. doou want say somhi ng? m-n- p. preparion.ye . you' preparing. (softl: ye ah ♪ sol: tnk you vy much.bobbiethank yo won: yore very lc ome. so see yo bud dywoma bye. bbie: goodby (sniffs) sol:t's okaybobo ve me a hug. obbie yi ng) (raifalling) ♪ ♪ sol: t day fre died, i was ab to let m go d i let father go. and m not hoing the dness ornger at i t nk i ow i hel with mfather'sea th. the su muslim et rumisays it ke this:"goodbs are ly "for tho who lovwith the ey "bause forhose whoove th theireart and oul, there iso such tng aseparatio n. i s 44 whei starte maki thifor you. anfor me i'46 n ow i'll be when yowatch it maybe yoll see iagain when i'mong go . maybe y're sharing withour chilen right ow. my prayer, my pe for y is ts, my so my