the private sector to really make sure that the central soma plan is inclusive to the overall soma neighbourhood. the areas that are really important for us to discuss are around affordable housing, community facilities, resident services, open space and living wage jobs. and our priorities that we're going to be talking about today are around stabilization, preservation, community involvement, community control and what growth towards a holistic community really looks like. so here's mario to speak about stabilization and preservation. >> good afternoon, commissioners. happy black history month. thank you for this opportunity to speak to the commission. my name is mario demira, i'm the community development manager with soma filipinos. we're a cultural generation in the making. filipinos have lived in the south market for a century, a continue wows influx of filipino families pushed out of our homeland has formed the life blood of soma filipinos. our struggle to make home, preserve culture and build community is the story of soma filipinos. for decades, we faced and resisted displacement from i