the ceo of amazon is a very good communicator as opposed to somebodyike tim cook who is antisocial.has to be very honest and candid about it. adam: the potential is he because the margins, the cost of doing this is so minuscule compared to other things. the margins are huge. making 41% of the global digital advertising market. that is the market amazon wants to get into. adam: very quily, is the privacy issue legitimate, will it stop this march forward where is this not a discussion that will solve anything? speak of the privacy issue is legitimate. what is important is legislation be put in place helpingrotect consumers. we're worried about the government intruding on our privacy, but the key question is what are we going to do about big companielike amazon and google, will we allow them to intrude on our privacy as well? if we allow that, to what limits? that is the area we have to work in. adam: very quickly, does amazon do this? >> it balances the privacy with making money. that is the key. adam: a pleasure talking about it. when cookies were the issue everybody was getting upse