phase tomorrow identify cultural markers and other public realm improvements in partnership with somecan's research and engagement has shown things like bilingual flash cards on utility box and patterns at crosswalks and honorary street names will be more than just interesting design aspects. they'll empower residents and community members and inspire future generations to preserve the heritage. making sure residents feel a sense of ownership in the community are important and often overlooked aspects of urban design and planning in this city. it's exciting sfmta and public works promised to incorporate culturally significant designs in the project. i'm encouraged by the commitments made and i hope they'll be honored as the project moves forward. thank you so much. >> clerk: way suh followed by fiona tay. >> my may is way and i live in western soma in support of the folsom and howard project. first i want to thank you all for building out an awesome biking infrastructure in san francisco. it's allowed me to give up my car and not rely on car-sharing services. in the two years i've started