somemes heoes, and that day en i told you had spked him, the waing machine was en. the tv was broken... th is a home vit. it providesupport to the families. ma, ke 8o% of the avance stf, is a graduate of the program and a role model for peopleike diane. say that little prayer i always tell you. when you take your mind t of that anger-- i know you have this anger you want to take out on the children. if you think about something try to relax and get away from them. justo outside and come back. you're more relaxed, anyou forgot abt why you were mad. just try to focus on-- hug him or try to talk to them instead of yelling them. have two older dauters, one 23, one . i wayounwith them. i didn know w to take ca of them the way i know now withy 4- a 5-yeaol i ner paid attention to them. i was al, u know, trying to-- same as diane-- trying to, yokn, hithem because i would be mad at mhusband. and never understanding them, never knowing that i was the first teacher to them, the one who was supposed to teach them fore th went to school. i was a young mo i didn even f