one is have open communication with your studentsmeone at and e every student feels like there is someonetuat your school, an adult at your school, that they can turn to or confide in or share information with. develop a threat assessment process or threat assessment ico team. this has been identified as bes. practice for preventing school c violence. it gotthe aco lot of attention columbine. places like the commonwealth of virginia passed legislation requiring all of their public ee k-12 school toes to have a thre assessment capacity. this is great for schools to not only prevent school violence but identify problems as they are emerging and developing like bullying, like harassment, like the hate crimes the caller asket us about. and to make sure that there is a climate that feels safe for students and employees, faculty and staff alike. when people feel like information is treated fairly, there's someone they can go to, , at things won't be blown out of proportion or handled in a way that's insufficient and comfortable and safe bringing concerns forward knowing they will be address ed >>