. -- somethingcial many social workers still with. the boy wants to talk to you, but he won't talk to like he would talk to a man who he felt comfortable talking with. you recognize that come especially in the modern black community. most of us who do have a role model, it was someone who is a professional -- a coach, teacher . done ourselves in as a black community. we have hurt ourselves pretty bad. we have done real wicked stuff. it,on't always want to own but it is real. we have really poisoned the well on a lot of places. i'm not saying we did it by ourselves. i want to be clear. a slavery is not the reason why a man in 2014 doesn't take care of his kids. [applause] my question is i heard you talk about working things on a macro and micro level. what are some things you are engaging in? >> on a macro level, one of my pet projects is working to make sure that children have school choice. the reason why school choice is important to me and to us is because we know that an effective teacher and by extension school is the most import