. -- somethingfor that is scary for me, i will not run away from. i want them to learn from my example. you push forward and you do it and are a much better person for doing that. >> that is her next goal. she plans to participate in the november race. while she will be a test be in a wheelchair for most of it, she is working with her physical therapist to walk across the finish line. saturdayval starts morning at 5:00 a.m. and then live exclusive coverage of the marathon start and erica starting it begins at 7:55. tonight, a landmark reopened its doors after an 18 month facelift. it underwent a $3 million renovation, including adding three new screens and a wine bar. john water's hairspray, headed the u.s. premiere back in 1988. >> it is our anniversary. we thought, what at her place to come for our anniversary to celebrate than coming here? we have been coming here years. it looks so gorgeous. >> the senator first opened in 1979 in -- the first films shown -- come fromc video has texas showing a freight train wheelerming into an 18 stuck on the tr