rian: sometimemes it's difficut for us who come in from the outside, who has to tranansfer w ideas tohe tanzanian team here, to really get the message over. we as frankfurt zoological society stand a little bit away and look at the whole picture from afar, and then we can see shortcomings in certain places where we feel well with experience we have, because we work internationally, experience we have from other placeces. we can bring that exexperienceo the ground and help the locall management to be more effective in what ththey are doing. reporter: back in the buffer zone, masegeri rurai is visiting the new high school. the first -- and only -- one far and wide. masegeri: which animal do you like most? elephant? giraffe? lion? do you know the serengeti is one of the wonders of the world? so we have to keep these animals by studying science subjects. reportrter: the children are ear to learn english, the second to learn english, the second official language here after swahili. until recently, there was only an elementary school in the area. the new high school was paid for with income