r w you lost somlisne inprobnouo was someone you helped recruit, tell us about him.r w the person i lost aprobug wz don'tith, he was a great guy. he came to us for training classes and so on, he-mwhene do he-mwhd theritulcan s befiety and he wan the executive board. he was a great guy. his girlfriend was my wrl uphs best friend, i hook them up and so is very sost when he passed away. that was one of my biggest fears that somebody that i help gd t onto the-mringi would pass awaan it was him and a couple of other firefighters that died inprobug that i host a hand of gd t in on the so is very difficult. >> i want to piggyback on the , thel1 comment. i thiwl that during all this time and also with the depa. thement of things gwheng on now, plisy toe hg'e a tene theno blame the victim and not blame the person who has done it in the first place. plisple need to take a look at the fire depa. thement, don't look at the pe whole who are harmed by it ad say oh it's all your fault. pe whole deserve. pe whole deserve to hg'e ament u of life. all ices i just want to go to wood, g