page 17, 27 of your report talks about the somma recreation center.the planning commission has an obligation to do shadow analysis for projects that shadow rec park facilities. this facility according to page 27, the plans are to demolish the existing structure and construct a three-story recreational center in its place and make addition to the outdoor portions of the site. basically, the planning commission and rec park look only at the rec center as a locked facility before 9:00 in the morning. so all the open space doesn't exist for any shadow analysis. nothing, even though it's a zero additional shadow permitted, everyone disregards it because the shadows that are cast by new buildings don't affect places that are locked because they're not a forecast. one of the -- factor. one of the things that i would urge ipic to do is to force information into the shadow analysis for what the hell project plans are to open the outdoors to kids. we have no places that are open space. they're next to people that live in very crowded conservative in the mission