somoza also won elections. he went through the formalities of holding elections, 0rtega as well, and i would agree with dr chamorro, who you interviewed, when he explained that those elections did not have any legitimacy. it's not my opinion, it's the opinion of the european union, it's the opinion of transparency international, it's the opinion of the carter centre, so after 2008 every single election was a fraud election. what about the violence? do you regret now that the violence was allowed to escalate? and, yes, there is, ithink, very little doubt from independent observers, including the inter—american commission on human rights, including amnesty international, that the government forces committed atrocities, and we're talking about at least 300 people dead, maybe more. but it is also clear that violence was used by some of the protesters, too. there were home—made mortars fired, there were guns in the hands of protesters. do you regret the way the violence was allowed to escalate? 0h, absolutely. i thi