they named their first-born son vu. learned his wife was pregnant, song says he became very anxious. >> translator: the emotions were more sadness than happiness. i was terribly worried. i didn't know what my child would be like. >> translator: i had repeated ultrasounds done. we were worried our child would inherit the condition. the doctors kept reassuring us there was nothing wrong. >> vu was born a healthy baby. >> translator: when we go for walks, we get kidded about looking like brothers. he's almost my height now. what do you think? are we brothers? >> yeah. >> really? you think so? gosh. i was overjoyed to have a new member of the family. the future looked hopeful and bright. i was watching my son grow up and i decided to work harder. he gave me another goal to strive for. >> six years later, they had a second child. they named their second son lik. lik was born with a severe liver defect. doctors diagnosed him with hepatitis b and c, the same diseases that afflicted his grandfather thiet. lik has been hospitali