we might want to work with sonali and others to explain there is many factors that makes it this is a wise time for the city to borrow this money. >> thank you, chairman nolan, i had the question about remaining balance and why not a higher ballot measure, and there is an $8 billion ballot in alameda county, they are going for a huge thing, and not that many more than we are serving. i want to express my interest in making sure we are learning as much as possible from the folks doing transportation measures around the region. in addition to just financial timing, there is also good political timing in respect with the campaigns around the region. and there may be synergies that we capitalize to make sure that the processes are informed and leveraged off of each other. i like this and especially like the equity lens on this and look forward to the next few months. >> thank you, if i can make a point on the size of the general obligation bond. that was in part determined by the city's policy not to raise property tax rates. the maximum rate without raising property tax rates. >> got it,