zhykhars of murmansk sabralіsya soptsy sonechnaya gorka, kab ubachyts pershy svyatanak paslya 40 zenlar night. in the footage, the zhyhars of the largest city of zapala are happy to exchange sleep and fatally. the polar night is the beginning of the summer, and the sun does not fall above the sun for most of the day. natural weed is typical for polar regions. the nights fell in the direction of the poles and the hell of one day palarnym kruse and 179 zen on the painochny pole. and now we are updating our neighbors and the territory of belarus. panjadzelak 15 students of the central and western europe will find themselves in a field of high atmosphere . it's cloudy and clear. outside, it's rainy hours. the countries of western europe are expected to have an unfriendly environment. it's getting cloudy, the clock is falling , the clock is falling. in the lands of late-night europe, washhouses will show wide, cold anticyclones. and we don’t predict the wickedness. va the emerging europe will be filled with active atmospheric dandies. chakayuzza short-hour snowfalls look like snow, wet sn