" >> "songversation.": yeah. how'd that come to be? >> well technically i thought about it for a really long time. it was like months and months. i was like, there's something. i wasn't trying to find an album title; i was trying to find a way to, a moniker for my performance style. tavis: got it. >> because i always have a lot to say, and then i want to sing and i want to share. i want a fellowship with people. so early in my career i always felt like i had to get it out fast and then sing, because this is what they came to see. i felt like if i created -- if you build it, they will come? i felt like if i did that, then people could decide if they want to come and see me speak and sing. so that's "songversation." i thought about it for a long time, because in this part of the four years, this whole four years for me was about figuring out how to do this in a way that i love and that feels good to me, because it wasn't feeling good. i loved singing, but everything else was just so much of a challenge i was