under sonia melara's leadership, they have withheld full reporting to the health commission. in fact, the december 3 hearing at laguna honda to except the comptroller's office, ms. melara introduced a motion to take no action on the report. in fact, the report was never discussed by the health commission. she asked only during a meeting of the health commission that the power point presentation, presented on december 3, should be forwarded to the health commission. they never discussed in public the audit. the claim that the audit had been discussed and used is incorrect. when the commission met on march 1, they only discussed the changes to the policy, not the audit. i draw your attention to my written public testimony, that i encourage chapter 26 of yours, to see as public record. the period of the audit needs to be backed up to january 2003 to examine the donations to laguna honda hospital from volunteers inc, totaling $225,000 which has not been examined. pushing it back another 22 months will yield only another 16 deposits or so in the gift fund. surely, that is not onero