i can see the three major candidates in this race: matt haney, christine johnson, and sonia trauss. i can see over here on the legend, the miscellaneous increases to cash includes funds received from a public finance program. i'm interested in the public finance program, so go to the public financing tab to learn more. i can see here from the chart on the left all the candidates who accepted -- or who are making use of the public financing program. on the chart on the right, i can see that mr. haney received 100% of what was available to him, and miss johnson, 81%. this chart on the bottom shows an overview of the entire public financing program, and i can see the total amount of funds disbursed as a part of public financing was a little over 1.2 million. an important feature of public financing is the individual expenditure ceilings. this tab may look familiar to you. the charts on the tab may look familiar to you. it was featured on the policy report last month. during this election, the dashboard was updated daily, so this represented the best way to come and see what an individu