in the 2015 documentary about sanchez work, bad sonja sanchez, i love that title.states that her motivation for writing is that she wants to tell people how i became this woman with razor blades between herteeth . she is has honed this lacerating language, weight . she has honed his lacerating language since the late 1950s when she formed the broadside quartet of young poets along with haki madhabuti and nikki giovanni. during her long career of fighting injustice getting with her early days in court, the congress of racial equality sanchez poetry as warned the human cost of oppression in all its forms. in one mournful haiku she writes i see you black boy. toward destruction. watching for death with type eyes. poems such as these are particularly poignant in the era of black lives matter and we owes sonja a great debt for both her ongoing political activism and the gripping and emotional poetry that shehas written . in order to adequately praise sonia sanchez work, i would like to cite her own words. in her poem from a black feminist conference reflections on marga