sonny: this show can really change your life, you know? so i hope it does for me. here we go. it ♪ hello. hello. hello. how are you? how's it going, guys? you all right? yeah. great. okay. it's so exciting to be here. put another shrimp on the barbie. no, no. it's newca-- i'm from the uk. oh, sorry. way off! [ laughing ] the shrimp on the barbie. that's my man right there. ah. this is carrie's first -- you're her first contestant. this is so surreal, man. i can't believe -- sorry. so tell us who you are, where you're from. well, we know where you're from now. yeah. so my name is sonny tennet. i'm 25. i'm from south shields, northern uk. i'm a singer/songwriter. i always have been. so your influences are... well, i mean, lionel, you're a big influence on it, i know. ah. there you go. yeah. i just love the soulful. i love r&b these days, as well. i'm dying to hear what you're going to sing with that accent, as well. yeah, well, lionel, it's actually one of yours, commodores, "easy." oh, my god. really? so, no pressure. no pressure. no pressure. i hope you enjoy. let's hear it. ♪