i am here with bright bart's sonny johnson. she is drunk. and she is excited about the weekend she probably won't remember. it is joanne nosuchunsky, also drunk. and he is excited for the weekend he will probably sleep through. look at those baby fists. it is tv's andy levey. and his band once played at the presidential picnic. it is not as impressive as the teddy bear pick anymore. we'll take it. former michigan congressman and presidential candidate,s thadeus mccodder. the triumph of libertarian republicans. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> could a guitar erase the scar? john kerry wind surfed to france on friday to show solidarity and mend relations after sending a top official to last sunday's march against terrorism in paris. the secretary of coble -- subtilty brought an old folk singer to spell it out. >> ♪ all you have to do is call ♪ ♪ i'll call ♪ ♪ you've got a friend ♪ >> never gets old. that was gordon light foot and played a rendition of "sun down." it was truly appreciated in france. here is french youth listenin