san jose, as you know, had an explosion of lowriding story in king and west san jose is where sonny madridrider magazine. damian: and we, in fact, we were looking at some of the images of your book and we saw a caricature, or a cartoon or a picture of sonny madrid. how vital was he in making us proud of the lowriding era that was great then and is great now? ricardo: what he created was the first documentation, archive documentation of the culture, right? it was written by lowriders for lowriders. it showed them in a true light, in a true perspective and it put a lot of famous people on the map in the early days of lowriding's inception or lowrider magazine's inception. damian: i mean, i remember back when i was a kid, and if you saw an article or a picture, "hey, that's at salinas car show. wow, we were there in salinas." it was a big deal. ricardo: yeah, i mean it covered our people, right? and when you look through the old first issues of the magazine, it looks like--it reads like a yearbook, right? and there's poetry features in there, there's artists that are featuring their work for