. >> hi sonya sf bay renters association my question now is why be so generous with developers why are we are doing any grandfathering at all why stop at 200 units why not no grandfathering and require 25 percent for everything in the pipeline what's that? is it because if you did that those whole measure would have about think destroyed by developers it would with have gone down if flames and the developers that had those projects will not allow them to be killed instead, they got grandfathered so every single project is an work of an project that made a backroom deal thanks >> good afternoon supervisors per steve for mary tell we want to commend support two of the suggestions that came out of the planning planning commission the first is we're hearing the one and 80 foot cut offices that didn't allow grandfathering for a project that is higher had should have the in lui fee i look at the policy resolution supported by supervisor yee and unanimously by the board policy resolution says this ordinance will have grandfathering that should be constructed allows to continue the feasibility