i'm sonya troust. i live in district 6. i didn't even get my driver's license until i was 29 because i just biked. even though i have a lot of hours in biking, i'm still shy about biking in san francisco. this particular protected bike lane, there are a lot of people for it. it's a heavily trafficked area. i can sort of understand the feeling that that street will be renovated soon, but there will be so many people using that street, it makes sense to invest in it now. it's also sort of jarring that the decision was just reversed without any interaction with the main advocacy group. we have so many people moving here. and traffic is such an issue, we need to encourage people to bike. it's not just for traffic. it's because biking is clean and climate change is still a big problem that everybody can do something to help address. biking is one of those things. people help people have healthier lives. it's really life or death, as the previous speaker told us. thank you so much. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. >> matt brazina