(erdbrink speaking): (sooni speaking, laughin: (erdbrink speaking): (sooni speaking): (erdbrink speaking't show. we can't show this.il itlikely be considered offensive.n a d a woman together is probably out of the question. just me, a man alone, that is allowed. and i even think that women are allowed to watch me.ce (dusic playing) i decide to ask ramin, my friend and colleague, to ca an expert-- a cleric he knows, a mullah. he should know what is and isn't allowed. (man on phone and ramin speaking): (man speaking on phone): (manpeaking on phone): (man speaking on phone): (ramin speaking): so if you guarantee that this dance or sport dcing, is only seen by the female population. >> erdbrink: yeah, hello! we're already men. >> no, we are ju committing sin. we are committing sin, i don't know great one or a small one, but it is sin, and he said, this gentleman, clergyman, ll-versed clergyman, he says that, "i'm not decision maker. you should call the censor man." but to avoid the risk and toin avoid puthis lady-- i mean, avoidingrouble for her-- so it's better to blur it.rd >>ink: but that